40 prowl herbicide label
agriculture.basf.us › herbicides › prowlProwl® H2O Herbicide - BASF Prowl H2O herbicide is a water-based formulation, maximizing herbicide availability for residual weed control. Prowl H2O offers exceptional convenience, performance and crop safety for over 100 crops. Labels & sds Document Downloads Connect with your local rep Get product advice and consultation from your BASF Representative. Boydton (Virginia) Prowl H2O - BASF herbicide Prowl H 2 O Herbicide will control labeled weeds listed above in carrots grown on muck and mineral soils. Uniformly apply the recommended rate of Prowl H 2 O Herbicide as a single broadcast spray to the soil surface as a post-plant treatment within 2 days after planting and prior to the emergence of the crop and weeds. One application per year.
Prowl® H2O herbicide | FBN - Farmers Business Network Prowl® H2O herbicide Product label As compared to Pendimethalin 3.80 Value Pick or Prowl® 3.3 EC herbicide Unavailable Find available similar products Group 3 Herbicide Active Ingredient Pendimethalin (3.8 lbs/gal) Compare similar products Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery Product details Resources Instructions Label
Prowl herbicide label
Home - Label Database - CDMS Specimen Label, NVA 2021-04-195-0019 24 (c) Registration, AZ-080009 NVA 2018-04-195-0089 For Use in Guayule Production in Arizona 24 (c) Registration, CA-06-0029 NVA 2006-04-195-0027 Direct-Seeded Dry Bulb Onions Applied at Loop Stage 24 (c) Registration, CA-150008 NVA 2020-04-195-0192 For Delayed Preemergence Treatment in Dry Bulb Onion for ... Prowl 3.3 EC herbicide | BASF Ag Products - Agworld DBX We're here to provide you with a reliable source of plant protection chemical label data so that you can find the information you need for managing weeds, pests and diseases in a safe and effective way. Agworld DBX transforms product labelling into indexed, actionable data in an unbiased presentation that is easily accessible. Contact us PROWL® 400 - Agricultural Solutions - BASF Sélectif de pré-semis, pré-plantation, pré-levée ou post-levée précoce (suivant la culture concernée). Recommandé pour lutter contre les dicotylédones et les graminées adventices annuelles. Détails du produit Général Usages homologués Classement toxicologique et conseils de prudence Liens et téléchargements Caractéristiques générales
Prowl herbicide label. PDF For Use in Selected Crops - Cdms ner inconsistent with its labeling. This label must be in the possession of the user at the time of pesticide application. Observe all cautions and limitations in this label and the labels of products used in combination with Prowl® 3.3 EC herbicide. The use of Prowl 3.3 EC not consistent with this label can result in injury to crops, animals ... iwilltakeaction.com › uploads › files2020 Take Action Herbicide Classification Chart in the development of herbicide-resistant weed populations. For more information and links to additional resources, visit * Indicates product is not registered for use at the time of printing. Check for a label and Material Safety Data Sheet at to confirm status. This chart contains some Restricted Use ... agriculture.basf.ca › eastBASF | Agricultural Solutions - Eastern Canada Poast Ultra Herbicide Pristine Fungicide ... Prowl H2O Herbicide Sercadis Fungicide ... Always read and follow label directions. ... PDF Pendimethalin Group 3 Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com ner inconsistent with its labeling. This label must be in the possession of the user at the time of pesticide application. Observe all precautions and restrictions in this label and the labels of products used in combination with Prowl® H2O herbicide. Use of Prowl H2O not consistent with this label can result in injury to crops, animals, or persons.
Farming & Crop Protection We share your passion for farming. That's why we partner with you every day to push past the status quo and get you the most, acre after acre, season after season. You may never leave this land, but on it, there are places you can go, goals you can reach, yields you can top. Our job is to help you reach them by applying the right agronomic ... ProClova™ Herbicide — Pasture Management - Corteva ProClova™ Herbicide Offers Weed Control While Preserving White Clover, Pending Registration. Skip Navigation. United States. Johnston, Iowa (50131) Johnston, Iowa (50131) Enter Location. Please enter a valid location ... Label precautions apply to forage treated with Chaparral, GrazonNext HL or Milestone and to manure from animals that have ... › tank-mixTank Mix - Engenia Herbicide Sep 29, 2022 · DO NOT tank mix Engenia herbicide with dimethylamine (DMA) glyphosates, isopropylamine (IPA) glyphosates, ammonium sulfate (AMS), or urea ammonium nitrate (UAN). Glyphosate maximum use rate per acre per application is 1.125 lbs. of acid equivalent. Rezilon® herbicide | Bayer Environmental Science US It is labeled for use in warm-season Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass hayfields. Increased hay quality: When Rezilon is applied according to label directions, growers could see higher-quality forage on their first cut as a result of controlling annual weed species present. Long residual activity: Rezilon should be applied well before weed emergence. Once applied, it can sit on the soil surface for some time with no degradation from sunlight while waiting on rainfall for activation.
PDF For Weed Control in Perennial Grasses Grown for Seed Production product label for Prowl® H 20 herbicide, EPA Reg. No. 241-418. This labeling must be in the possession of the user at the time of application. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. H Observe all cautions and limitations in this label PDF Safety Data Sheet PROWL H2O HERBICIDE - University of Kentucky PROWL H2O HERBICIDE Revision date : 2012/11/29 Page: 1/9 Version: 4.0 (30222408/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. Product and Company Identification Company BASF CORPORATION 100 Park Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA 24 Hour Emergency Response Information CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 BASF HOTLINE: 1-800-832-HELP (4357) Substance number: 000000171005 Prowl® 3.3 EC herbicide | FBN Prowl® 3.3 EC herbicide Product label As compared to Pendimethalin 3.80 Value Pick or Prowl® H2O herbicide Unavailable Find available similar products Group 3 Herbicide Active Ingredient Pendimethalin (3.3 lbs/gal) Compare similar products Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery Product details Resources Instructions Label BASF | Product Profile - Prowl H2O Prowl H 2 O herbicide can be applied at the loop and 2 true leaf stage of crop development. Uniformly apply the recommended rate of Prowl H 2 O herbicide in 100 L/acre or more of water by ground equipment. Prowl H 2 O herbicide treatments will NOT control emerged weeds. Make sure to control existing weeds before applying Prowl H 2 O herbicide.
agri.idaho.gov › main › licensesLicensing and Registration – Idaho State Department of ... 2270 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, ID 83712 Mailing: P.O. Box 7249 Boise, ID 83707 Telephone: (208) 332-8500 Fax: (208) 334-2170
Prowl H2O | Pendimethalin | 2.5 Gallons - Chemical Warehouse Target Pests. Areas of Use. Shipping. Labels/SDS. Prowl® H2O herbicide is a selective herbicide for controlling most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds as they germinate. Active Ingredients : Pendimethalin 38.7%. Manufacturer : BASF. Usage Rate Recommendations : 4 Pints per Acre.
Herbicide/Prowl® CS - Agricultural Solutions When tank mixing Prowl® CS with Diuron 800 SC, refer to the weed spectrum, directions, restrictions and warnings on the Diuron 800 SC label.Plant cane: Apply within two days of planting.Ratoon cane: Apply not later than seven days after cutting.Mechanical incorporation: Sugarcane can be planted after the Prowl® CS herbicide incorporation.Water incorporation: Incorporation, by means of 20 - 50 mm sprinkler irrigation, must be carried out after the sugarcane has been planted and the ...
PDF PROWL@ 3.3 EC herbicide - United States Environmental Protection Agency This label must be in the possession of the user at the time of pesticide application. Observe all cautions and limitations in this label and the labels of products used in combination with PROWL 3.3 EC. The use of PROWL 3.3 EC not consistent with this label can result in injury to crops, animals, or persons.
› prowl-h2o-herbicide-p-21806Prowl H2O Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com The Prowl H2O Herbicide comes in a water-based formula, making it convenient to apply and safe to use on crops. It is long-lasting even with lower use rate than other pendimethalin. Controls unwanted weeds such as foxtail, barnyard grass, sandbur, wild oat, johnsongrass, henbit, amaranth, carpetweed, mustard, smartweed, Shepherdspurse, purslane, and signal grass.
Prowl H20 For Weed Control in Perennial Warm-Season Grass Pastures and ... Listed are some frequently asked questions related to Prowl H 2 O for weed control in perennial warm-season grass pastures and hayfields.. I thought Prowl H 2 O was only labeled for use in bermudagrass. Has this changed? Yes. A new supplemental label now includes additional perennial warm-season grasses such as bahiagrass, switchgrass and others.
Prowl H2O Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons [241-418] - $144.95 : Keystone Pest ... Pre-emergence grass and broadleaf control in corn, beans and other labeled crops. Prowl H2O herbicide is a selective herbicide for controlling most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds as they germinate. Prowl H2O will not control established weeds. This is a pre-emergence product meaning it needs to be applied before the weeds germinate.
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, PROWL H2O HERBICIDE, 9/2/2009 This label must be in the possession of the user at the time of pesticide application. Observe all cautions and limitations in this label and the labels of products used in combination with Prowl" H20 herbicide. The use of Prowl H20 not consistent with this label can result in injury to crops, animals, or persons.
PDF PROWL® H2O HERBICIDE - Bartlett PROWL H 2 O herbicide can be applied on corn alone as a pre-emergence treatment or in tank mix with atrazine, BANVEL® II or MARKSMAN® at pre-emergence or post-emergence timings. PROWL H 2 O herbicide may also be applied as a post-emergence treatment in tank mix with Elim PROWL H 2 O 1 PROWL H 2 O
PDF Prowl® H2O Herbicide for Residual Weed Control in Wheat ... - BASF Prowl® H2O herbicide with a 1:1 ratio of water before mixing with fertilizer. Follow label guidelines for mixing order when tank-mixing with other labeled herbicides. Always perform a mix compatibility test with all planned tank mix components as described in the Prowl H2O herbicide label. PHI n60 day PHI for grain or straw. 28 day PHI for
PROWL HERBICIDE LABEL EXPANDED | The Grower November 22, 2019 Prowl H2O herbicide is now registered for control of labelled weeds in garlic, dry bulb shallots in Canada and on transplanted leeks grown on muck soil in eastern Canada and British Columbia. The herbicide was already labeled for use on a number of crops in Canada for control of several weeds.
PDF Prowl CS - agro.basf.co.za Apply Prowl® CS herbicide pre-emergent to weeds. Apply Prowl® CS herbicide to a properly prepared soil, i.e. relatively free of clods, with good tilth and free of weeds and stalks, of the previous crop. Apply Prowl® CS in sufficient water, to provide good spray coverage, prior to planting the crop. Ground application:
PDF Prowl Labeling - Colorado State University Prowl® 3.3 EC herbicide 3 include other dinitroaniline herbicides such as Treflan TM herbicide and TRI-4® herbicide.If naturally occurring mitotic inhibiting resistant biotypes are present in a field, Prowl 3.3 EC and/or any other mitotic inhibiting mode of action herbicide should be tank-mixed or applied sequentially withan appropriate registered herbicide having a different mode of
extension.uga.edu › publications › detailOnion Production Guide | UGA Cooperative Extension Jun 21, 2017 · Prowl and Goal are the backbone herbicides for all effective dry bulb onion production systems. Prowl provides residual control of small seeded grass and broadleaf weeds while Goal provides both residual and postemergence control of many of the most problematic weeds infesting onions such as pigweed, primrose, and wild radish. Weed Management ...
Prograss 2.5 gal - Bayer For resistance management, PROGRASS® Herbicide is a Group 8 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally. resistant to PROGRASS Herbicide and other Group 8 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbi-cides are used repeatedly in the same field.
PROWL® 400 - Agricultural Solutions - BASF Sélectif de pré-semis, pré-plantation, pré-levée ou post-levée précoce (suivant la culture concernée). Recommandé pour lutter contre les dicotylédones et les graminées adventices annuelles. Détails du produit Général Usages homologués Classement toxicologique et conseils de prudence Liens et téléchargements Caractéristiques générales
Prowl 3.3 EC herbicide | BASF Ag Products - Agworld DBX We're here to provide you with a reliable source of plant protection chemical label data so that you can find the information you need for managing weeds, pests and diseases in a safe and effective way. Agworld DBX transforms product labelling into indexed, actionable data in an unbiased presentation that is easily accessible. Contact us
Home - Label Database - CDMS Specimen Label, NVA 2021-04-195-0019 24 (c) Registration, AZ-080009 NVA 2018-04-195-0089 For Use in Guayule Production in Arizona 24 (c) Registration, CA-06-0029 NVA 2006-04-195-0027 Direct-Seeded Dry Bulb Onions Applied at Loop Stage 24 (c) Registration, CA-150008 NVA 2020-04-195-0192 For Delayed Preemergence Treatment in Dry Bulb Onion for ...
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